Friday, May 13, 2011

Things I am Thankful For

   Pre script: Something I started doing many years ago was writing down the simple things I was thankful for that day; it was during a rather rough time in my life and I needed that every night reminder of all the things that were good in my life. I kept doing this for years, why I quit I don’t know; I believe I will begin again.  Anyway, I ran across this ‘list’ this week from Oct. of 2002 and thought I would share it.  On this particular night, they came out in a poem; that happens often with me, even when I speak; some weird quirk in my brain loves to rhyme. (reminds me of a bit from Princess Bride-for all of you who know that movie!)  So, without further adieu:

Nice wood pen my ‘honey’ gave me
Electric blankets and flannel sheets
Someone to snuggle with when it’s cold
A love so true it will never grow old

For family and friends, and a roof o’er our head
Food on the table and nice soft beds
Each evening I jot down a list to remind me
Of the blessings I have but don’t always see

I put them on paper; they’re in black and white
So this is my list on this Monday night.
Why this started rhyming I don’t rightly know
But I’ll just keep writing and let the words flow

For “Jack the Wonder Dog’ for herding pigs,
And Max, who’s learning, tho he’s not very big.
For ‘Tommy kisses’ and Tigger at play
And the other cats who have come to stay

For the Rooster crowing before sunrise
And for the hens laying eggs-extra large size!
For our children four and the love they give
For their Grandma who teaches us all how to live

For freedoms we sometimes take for granted
And heeding Mom’s words “bloom where you’re planted”
For Kansas sunsets here at Sunset Acres
And for all the blessings bestowed by our Maker,
………..Thank You, Lord, Amen.

Post Scripts: Tommy was our 23 lb tom cat I rescued in the middle of a snowstorm after he had been hit on I-70. He loved to come up to you and ‘kiss’ your nose. What a great cat he was! Jack was my awesome Austrailian Shepherd, and Max was his ‘understudy’-a beautiful tri colored Corgi.  Sunset Acres is where I grew up N. of Salina. The house flooded and was bulldozed in 2007; broke all of our hearts, especially Moms-she really loved that place!


  1. You are spot on! Lovely sentiments. I miss the prairie sunsets but I've exchanged them for Carolina Blue skies. I miss the Great Plains but now enjoy the Great Appalachians. I miss my sisters but have a family to call my own. It's all in the perspective. Oh, BTW...I will be in Kansas from June 22 to 28th.

  2. Thanks, Polly! I would love to get back East again! esp. that part of the country! We plan on seeing you while you are here! perhaps a campfire in the backyard...
