Friday, May 13, 2011

Soaking up the Son

    For some reason, this never published; and, because today it was 45* and wayy windy, and I was frozen while watching a parade with my granddaughter, I am going to publish it anyway!

            It was a blustery winter day; the kind that makes you wish you could just   curl up before a
        roaring fire with a good book, a cup of tea and a good dog at your feet. Instead, I was at   
        work, outdoors, freezing.  Now, I love what I do,  but there are times that I have to think I 
        must be mad to be working outdoors on days like this. Nonetheless, here I was, cutting through
        a courtyard to the other side of the nursing home, shoveling the icy snow/sleet that had 
        accumulated on the sidewalks
.            Because I love the outdoors, I enjoy taking in my surroundings all the sights and sounds of 
        nature, and this day was no different, other than the terrible cold wind.
              As I came closer to the building, where the chapel is, the sun came bursting through the dark 
       gray clouds, and shone upon the cross atop the chapel steeple.  There, sitting one on either side of 
       the cross on this wicked winter day, was a pair of doves and then it hit me-they were soaking up     
       the sun!     
              Their sitting there on this cloudy, dreary day reminded me that even in our darkest hour, when     
       we can't seem to see daylight or remember what it feels like, that is when  we need to turn to the                Son,  our light and our salvation, our warmth on cold blustery days, our light unto our path, 
the One who 
       will lead us Home.
  So, when times are dark, remember the doves  in the courtyard-turn to the Father, and soak up the Son!!!

1 comment:

  1. ok, I have noo idea why it posted like this, but I am too frustrated to try one more time to correct it. I need to take a class instead of fumbling around the computer on my own like I have been doing thus far!!!
